Books for essay writing
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Big Business and The Robber Barons Essay -- Corporate America Consumer
The decades after the Civil War quickly changed the substance of the United States. The quick industrialization of the country transformed us from by and large agrarian to the top modern force on the planet. Business head honchos flourished during this time, fashioning extraordinary business domains with the utilization of trusts and pools. Ranchers moved to the urban communities and into the plants, living off wages and changing the substance of the workforce. This fast industrialization made wide holes in the public arena, and the administration, which had initially adopted a hands off strategy to business, had to step in. Numerous people exploited the fast industrialization and high deluge of modest work as migrants. Among these business people were John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and George Pullman. Each bacome famous by producing their own corporate domain. Rockefeller was an industrialist and giver who made his fortune by establishing the Standard Oil Company in 1870. Endeavoring to corner the business and press out the center man, Rockefeller gradually dealt with the oil business. He shaped the amazing Standard Oil Trust in 1882, which joined the entirety of his organizations and made sure about 95% of oil creation in the United States for himself. Rockefeller was an industrialist who got rid of the entirety of his opposition with his trust, in the long run prompting Congress mediation. Andrew Carnegie discovered his fortune in steel. Showing up in America in 1848, he immediately advanced up society’s stepping stool and in 1870 established the Carnegie Steel Company in Pittsburgh. Carnegie was against monopolistic practices, however prevailing with regards to killing the center man. He spearheaded the strategy of â€Å"vertical integration†... ...elped to extend the crack among rich and poor. Ranchers, who were once independently employed, were quickly turning out to be assembly line laborers. In 1860 a large portion of the country was independently employed, however by 1900 66% were reliant on compensation. This pattern caused the fast urbanization of America, which drew out certain issues. Wages were rising, so it was a great idea to be working, yet with subordinate wages the laborers we’re powerless to monetary downturns. The working environment likewise turned out to be substantially less charming as individuals moved to plant employments. New machines would frequently dislodge laborers, and individual specialists had little capacity to battle for their privileges against the ventures. There was constantly a dread of joblessness, and reformers attempted to secure wages and have arrangements for impermanent joblessness. As more individuals moved to the urban areas and the enterprises developed, social fractures i ncreased and bigger.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Peek Over Our Shoulders What Panelteers Are Reading in May 2015
Peek Over Our Shoulders What Panelteers Are Reading in May 2015 In this feature at Panels, we take a look at what the Panelteers are reading this month. These are the comics that occupy our pull lists, that fill our Comixology account, and line our graphic novel bookshelves. Included are handy links to buy some of the books in question or at least get more information. Be warned: your pull list is in peril of expanding. Hattie Kennedy Bitch Planet #4 by Kelly Sue DeConnick and Valentine DeLandro: For some reason I hadn’t picked up on this until last week when I read about Jenn’s survey. I picked up issue one for free on Comixology last week and then immediately went back for the subsequent issues. (Digital) The Sculptor by Scott McCloud: Having purchased this the week it came out, it has been sitting on my shelf gazing at me reproachfully ever since. I’ve made a start now though, and I am looking forward to dipping into this over the next month as my bedtime read. (Print) Unflattening by Nick Sousanis: I am super excited to read this book which is the published version of Sousanis’ PhD thesis (thesis as comic, so so cool!). Unflattening is all about the relationships between text and image and the ways in which we see; the pages I have read so far have only made me more excited about getting my paws on it! (Print) Andi Miller Legends of Red Sonja edited by Gail Simone with contributors including Nancy Collins, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Devin Grayson, et al: I spotted this volume when I was perusing a sale on Red Sonja comics. Having never read any of them, I figured a compendium of respected creators would be a great place to start. (Digital) Capture Creatures #3 by Frank Gibson and Becky Dreistadt: This series has quickly become a favorite, and we’ve been waiting on this issue foreverrrr. I’m happy to say that it was plenty easy to fall back in and pick up where we left off, though a reread is certainly on the horizon. (Digital) Becca Sexton The Ballad of Halo Jones by Alan Moore and Ian Gibson: My curiosity was piqued by Marcy’s mention of this book in her awesome “The Problem with the Comic that Got Me Into Comics’†post. (Print) Aquaman, vol. 1: The Trench by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis: I know there’ve been a million think pieces about how Aquaman is the most underrated hero of our time, butI’m still skeptical. But, some folks whose opinions I trust really want me to read this, so I’m giving it a shot. The Pulse by Brian Michael Bendis, Mark Bagley, and Scott Hanna: I figure I should start brushing up on my Jessica Jones knowledge now before she hits the small screen later this year. Swapna Krishna Avengers by Jonathan Hickman and Mike Deodato New Avengers by Jonathan Hickman and Kev Walker Yes, I’m going there. I read Secret Wars #1 and for some reason felt that I needed to go back and read these runs. I’m currently drowning in Hickman. If you don’t hear from me soon, send help. Or just vodka. Jon Erik Christianson This One Summer by Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki: I’ve heard so many wonderful things about this story that I simply had to run out and buy it. Too bad Barnes Noble incorrectly shelved it in the manga section. (Print) A Distant Soil by Colleen Doran: I was researching about queer comics at Image and was recommended this one! I’m excited to dive further into queer comics history. (Print) Michael Chasin The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes by Kurt Busiek, George Pérez, Roger Stern, John Francis Moore, Jerry Ordway, and Carlos Pacheco: A colossal collection of the first half of Busiek’s legendary late 90s Avengers run, including the epic 12-part “Avengers Forever†and the super iconic “Ultron Unlimited,†perfect reading to accompany the movie. (Print) Nimona by Noelle Stevenson: Starts out fun and earns some surprising emotional depth by the end. It’s a really cool, sometimes wicked little book that opens with one of the best dedications I’ve ever seen. (Print) Thanos by Jim Starlin, Al Milgrom, Keith Giffen, and Ron Lim: I’m starting a deep dive into the gigantic, Marvel Cosmic saga from 2004-2011 that directly inspired the Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Step one is a series about that purple guy who shows up while people are throwing away their popcorn. It handles the villain protagonist thing pretty well, and there’s some great Galactus material in here. Galactus rocks. (Digital) Bri Rudd Exquisite Corpse by Pénélope Bagieu, translation by Alexis Siegel: This was a total impulse buy, but the story revolves around a girl moving in with an author who’s faked his own death, so I’m pretty into the concept. (Print) Bandette Vol. 2: Stealers Keepers by Paul Tobin and Colleen Coover: Bandette is such a fun character she’s kinetic and lively, but not someone to mess with. Plus the Urchin Stories have a ton of different, fantastic artists.(Print) Gotham City Sirens Book Two by Tony Bedard, Peter Calloway, Andres Guinaldo, Jeremy Haun, and Ramon F. Bachs: How did it take me so long to hop on this particular train? I had this book recommended to me a few years ago, but it was out of print. Now DC is re-releasing them and I’m very excited about it. I loved the first trade, and I’m hyped to read volume two. (Print) Space is the Place by John Allison: I’m six cases behind in Bad Machinery, I’m still in the first year of Scary-Go-Round, and I barely read volume one of Giant Days before the current arc started. I love John Allison’s work, but this is my first time being up-to-date on a John Allison comic. I feel weirdly victorious. (Digital) Katie Schenkel Saga Vol 1. by Brian K. Vaughan, Fiona Staples, Fonografiks: Yes, I am finally, finally getting around to reading this series. I bought the first volume through a Comixology sale ages ago but avoided starting it because I knew enough about it to know it would break my heart. Now I’m slowly getting through this trade and patiently waiting for it to break my heart. Oh yeah, and it’s great. (Digital) Jessica Plummer Everything Convergence by everyone at DC. I’ve never actually followed an event and all its tie-ins before, and, well, it’s an experience! The main series is mostly a confusing series of punch-outs between Z-listers and unfamiliar alternate versions of A- and B-listers, but some of the minis have been fun, and Jeff Parker, Doc Shaner, and Jordie Bellaire’s Convergence: Shazam! might be one of the best comics I’ve ever read period, event or no. (Mix of Print and Digital) Gina Nicoll Drawn Quarterly: Twenty-Five Years of Contemporary Cartooning, Comics, and Graphic Novels: I was super excited to pick this up (two hands required) at TCAF because Drawn Quarterly publishes some of my favorites (Kate Beaton, Jillian Tamaki, Rutu Modan, Julie Delporte, and on and on) and it’s massive at nearly 800 pages, so I know it’s going to keep me happily reading for months. Plus there is a perfect collision of awesome in it with an essay called “Kate Beaton: An Appreciation†by Margaret Atwood! (Print) The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy: A Handbook for Girl Geeks by Sam Maggs: I’m kind of new to accepting my geekiness, so I need this book. (Print) Exquisite Corpse by Pénélope Bagieu: This is such a fun, charming read that I want to take a French for Comic Book Nerds class so I can read all of Bagieu’s other (sadly untranslated) comics. (Print) Dave Accampo Batman Eternal 1-52 by Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Tim Seeley, Ray Fawkes, Kyle Higgins, and a HUGE roster of artists: So I binged and read 52 weekly issues in about two weeks this month. I’m very wary of weekly book, particularly books that feel like some kind of stunt, but with Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV as the story architects, I’ll admit I was curious. And then I started hearing some good things, and then I started seeing that the art teams consisted of some wildly diverse styles, and I got even more intrigued. My verdict? This was FUN. It’s a HUGE mystery, probably the biggest I’ve ever seen attempted, and while it does, at times, wear itself thin with so many suspects and red herrings and fake-outs, the labyrinthine plot does what serialized comics do so well tons of cliffhangers and last page reveals ensconced in a sprawling, globe-trotting plot. One of the better curated weeklies I’ve read. (Digital) Aquaman 35-40 by Jeff Parker, Paul Pelletier, Sean Parson, and Rain Beredo: I like Jeff Parker’s sensibilities as a storyteller, but until this point, I had decided not to jump on his Aquaman book more because I haven’t been a huge fan of most of the New 52 books. But, as with Batman Eternal above, that’s starting to change, and I find myself testing new ahem waters. So I dove into Aquaman’s last story arc, “Maelstrom,†and while it took me about an issue to get oriented, I ended up really enjoying this arc. Paul Pelletier’s clean artwork works well to match the pulpy, adventurous tone of Parker story, which involves Arthur’s search for his mother, who he finds in a lost world doing her best Red Sonja impression. It’s a bit like throwing Indiana Jones, The Lost World, and Game of Thrones in a massive underwater blender. Fun stuff. (Digital) Caroline Pruett SuperMutant Magic Academy by Jillian Tamaki: Panelteer Kris’s enthusiastic review persuaded me to try this webcomic collection from Drawn Quarterly. Plus, Jillian Tamaki is always great. (Print) Shutter, Vol. 1: Wanderlost by Joe Keatinge, Leila Del Duca, Owen Gieni, and Ed Brisson: I picked up the first collection of this Image ongoing sight unseen based on glowing reviews from some friends. Something with a female explorer whose parents have disappeared, and lots of anthropomorphic animals? Obviously I haven’t gotten very far but the character designs and particularly the vivid coloring, which reminds me of the thrill of playing with oil pastels in middle art class, and looks like nothing else in comics promises a thrilling ride. (Print) Daredevil: Visionaries: Frank Miller: Volume 3 by Frank Miller and Klaus Janson and Elektra: Assassin by Frank Miller and Bill Sienkiewicz: Watching the Netflix Daredevil show reminded me that I’ve just scratched the surface of Miller’s classic work on the character. I’ve had both of these books lying around for a while, so I may as well dive in. (Print) Christine Hoxmeier Ms. Marvel #12-#15 by G. Willow Wilson, Elmo Bondoc, Takeshi Myazawa, and Ian Herring: While I have been going to my LCS to pick up my comics every week, I am months behind in all my reading. I am SO EXCITED to dig into my stack and catch up with Kamala. (Print) Southern Bastards Vol 1 by Jason Aaron and Jason Latour: This is one of the books Austin Comics Ladies are reading and discussing next month! It comes highly recommended by several of my comic loving ladies, and I love stories of small, southern towns and people, so this should be be right up my alley. (Digital) Intrepid Girlbot Vol 2 by Diana Nock: I just finished the print version of volume 1, and now I need to know what other adventures and mishaps Girlbot and her cyborg raccoon friend are getting into these days. Thankfully, this delightful, wordless sci-fi adventure is a webcomic, so I can catch up easily. (Digital) Ali Colluccio Nimona by Noelle Stevenson: I discovered Noelle Stevenson and Nimona in the early days of the webcomic. And while I was almost immediately in love with the endearingly exaggerated expressions and sharp, quick wit of the comic, I knew it was something I’d personally enjoy more once it was all finished. (Collected/Print) The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage by Sydney Padua: I’m a sucker for a well-produced book. And Pantheon’s hardcover collection of this delightful and historically inaccurate webcomic definitely falls into that category. The over-sized, heavy pages beautifully showcase Padua’s detailed art, enveloping you in the ink and soot-filled Victorian world she’s created. I promise I’m actually reading this book and not just staring at it lovingly. (Collected/Print) Questionable Content by Jeph Jacques: While I was at TCAF I realized that I am woefully unaware of some pretty great webcomic. I’m currently “binge watching†Questionable Content, which is a great slice-of-life/relationship-y strip that has an adorable mini-robot called Pintsize. Will definitely be checking this one out more often. (Webcomic) As for Me: Empire by Mark Waid and Barry Kitson: Giving one of my favorite stories a reread since Empire: Uprising has launched at IDW. (Print) Convergence by Jeff King, Scott Lobdell, Jason Paz, Carlo Pagulayan, et. al.: I cannot afford all of the Convergence one-offs, but I’m reading the main story to find out what happens to the DCU. (print) Bitch Planet by Kelly Sue DeConnick and Valentine DeLandro: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I adore this series. It always jumps to the top of my reading pile when a new one comes out. (print) What are you reading this month? __________________________ Do you talk all things comics on Tumblr? Follow us over there for all our comics Tumbling. Sign up to The Stack to receive Book Riot Comic's best posts, picked for you. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Analysis Of The Movie The War - 1264 Words
The second scene begins with a voice-off from the battlefield. We hear voices of both Iraqi and Iranian soldiers who are repeating the same cries, asking for blessedness from God, Prophet Mohammed, Ali, and Hussein. The hysterical cries of the soldiers are heard along with sounds of explosions and machine guns. The young man wakes up and it turns out to be his dream. The war is thus presented as this young man s timeless and eternal nightmarish present. Similar to the rest of the soldiers, he calls onto Hussein, the Prophet s grandson, but he also shouts that his friend, Hussein, has been slain in the same manner. The playwright thus wants to bring together the past and the present and to call upon the audience to change the situation otherwise the past will keep on repeating itself. When Zainab comes in, he insists on reading her brother s last letter. Hussein says that he is very sad that Muslims are fighting one another. At the war front he realized the trap that is set for Musl im soldiers: Iraqis and Iranians. They are all sentenced to death. He also said that he saw the image of Al-Hussein, son of Ali, on the back of his horse shouting to all Muslims to stop this war. Oh Muslims†¦ Stop this cursed war.. stop it.. wake up ..stop murders Islam .. murders you all(3.2. 376). But no one heard him and he was killed by an American cannon. So, Hussein was slain anew. Hussein, Sherief s son, calls on his father to try to stop suchShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie The Vietnam War 917 Words  | 4 PagesThe Vietnam War is a tough pill to swallow, whether you were part of it, heard stories of it or only learned about it by watching Forrest Gump , it is an alienating subject to most of the people on this earth. And while most of us, hopefully, will never find out what war feels like, smells like or how it is to get out of it, Tim O Brian s account makes it relateable to us how dreadful it is how it is to be in a war zone. O Brian frequently uses repetition in his story. He frequently mentionsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Beer Wars Essay1654 Words  | 7 PagesTHE BEER WARS DOCUMENTARY On April 17th, 2009, the much-awaited documentary, Beer Wars Documentary, was shown in many cinemas across the United States. It’s a documentary that discusses the grassroots efforts of the craft beer industry having been filmed similar to a Michael Moore style documentary. It is a self-styled documentary by filmmaker Anat Baron portraying the beer industry in America from the vantage of small artisanal brewers and specialty beer producers. During the 30 days preceding theRead MoreWar Horse Movie Analysis1083 Words  | 5 PagesWar Horse During the first World War, Britain lost approximately 887,000 men, nearly 2% of its population as a whole. To this day, World War 1 remains Britains costliest conflict. Given the enormous carnage of the war, any serious artistic treatment of World War 1 has to take the basic truths of war into consideration. Such is the case with director Steven Spielbergs film War Horse, adapted from the novel of the same name by Michael Marpurgo. War Horse is a film that follows a horse named JoeyRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The War Room 1578 Words  | 7 Pages The film The War Room is a documentary about Bill Clinton that has very little to do with Bill Clinton himself. The primary focus of the film is devoted to the team of campaign strategists that got Clinton to the presidency. 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The film startedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Star Wars Script 1429 Words  | 6 PagesPaper #4 What concept has fueled numerous wars and conflicts throughout history, and even in present day? It is the oversimplification of the perception of good and bad which has sparked these battles, as well as worked to handicap young people’s ability to come to a true understanding of world events. Gardner writes about this concept when he says, â€Å"most five-year-olds have developed a Star Wars script. Life consists of a struggle between Good and Bad forces, with the Good generally triumphant†Read MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Star Wars Trilogy 2075 Words  | 9 Pageshook them using past video game memories. This can be related to the success of the most recent Star Wars movies that have been created by Disney in the last couple of years. The original audiences of the Star Wars trilogy are a huge market that Disney has tapped into by creating new Star War movies. These new releases capture the uses of nostalgic feelings and creating new memories of the Star War franc hise. Many authors are making a lot of money and are getting people to read their material byRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The War Against Bullying 2286 Words  | 10 PagesDeniz Hernandez Dr. Ball TH 4398 B April 2, 2015 â€Å"The War against Bullying†I. Introduction It started with the name-calling. We had just moved to Houston from California and I was about to begin the third grade at Thompson Elementary. I was â€Å"the new girl!†The â€Å"tall†girl with an â€Å"accent†that nobody wanted to be friends with. I was the â€Å"odd and ugly†girl in the third grade. It was a group of six boys and girls that decided to make my year miserable by bullying me. I never hated school so muchRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie World War II Fury 997 Words  | 4 PagesWorld War II lasted from September 1939 until May 1945 and killed over 70 million people. The war was made up by two sides: the Allies and the Axis. The Allied side included the UK and the US while the Axis side was mainly made up by Germany, Italy, and Japan, however, a total of 61 countries were involved in the war. The beginning of the war is indicated by Hitler’s invasion of Poland. Fury, directed by David Ayer, is a movie about five American soldie rs fighting in World War II from inside theirRead MoreMovie Analysis : Dancing On The Ashes Of The Drug War Essay1679 Words  | 7 Pagesthe Drug War,†Eugene Jarecki combines dance, excerpts from political speeches and news-reports, and recent statistics, to assess the current War on Drugs in the United States (U.S.). When this video was released in 2014, the U.S. was the â€Å"jailing-est country on the planet†with 2.3 million prisoners and a higher imprisonment rate for drug crimes than both China and Russia. Over the years, the U.S. has made over 45 million drug-related arrests and spent around $1 trillion dollars on the War on Drugs
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Performance Indicators And Customer Satisfaction - 1377 Words
Agarwal, S., Singh, D. .., Thakur, K. S. (2013). PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SELECTED CALL CENTERS OF INDIA. International Journal of Arts and Commerce, 2(2). Retrieved from Mr. Sumit Agarwal is a research scholar at the Institute of Commerce and Management at Jiwaji University, Dr. Deepak Singh is faulty member and lastly, Dr. K S Thakur is a Professor and Dean at the same university. Agarwal, Singh and Thakur states that call centers can be considered one of the fastest growing industries in the world, also, to be considered the key channel of communication with customers (2013). Call centers offer a variety of services which include customer support, administrative support, financial services and customer relationship management just to name a few. Although, call centers are trying to fulfill customer needs and improve customer interaction, they have fallen short when making a balance between quality and efficiency, while trying to achieve companies objectives. As a result, their customer satisfaction and delivery of service was partially neglected. Their research was focused on the key performance indicators that drive management practices in Indian call centers and also to investigate the relationship between various measures that were used in providing customer satisfaction. Based on previous works studied and their study they came to theShow MoreRelatedA Balanced Scorecard : An Organization s Mission And Strategy1534 Words  | 7 Pagesto achieve future competitive success. A balanced scorecard translates an organisation’s mission and strategy into a comprehensive set of performance measures that provides the framework for a strategic measurement and management system (Kaplan Norton, 1996). The scorecard measures performance across four critical business perspectives: financial, customers, internal business processes, learning and growth. Financial perspective Objective 1: Increase Revenue – As Divine E is a small business itRead MoreCitibank Performance Evaluation1510 Words  | 7 Pages Signature:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Date:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Background The case discuses about the evaluation of performance of James McGaran, Branch Manager of Citibank in Los Angeles by his Area Manager, Lisa Johnson, and the discrepancies that crept in during the evaluation process. In the case, it can be seen how Lisa Johnson had failed to reflect some of the performances properly leading to a stalemate position in the performance evaluation of an efficient manager like James McGaran. James McGaran was a branch managerRead MoreThe Performance Of The Pioneer Company Essay1622 Words  | 7 PagesThe criteria for measuring the performance of the pioneer company, how the Balanced Scorecard can serve the company by the following process A Balance scorecard is a systematic approach to performance measurement that reflects the strategy of an organization into clear objectives, measures and targets. The Balance Scorecard integrates an appropriate mix of performance measures in the short and long term financial and nonfinancial performance measures used throughout the organization, based on theRead MoreBalance Scorecard of Ford Motors1097 Words  | 5 Pagescritical success factors to evaluate the Ford Motors goals and ensure that it gets accomplished. Some of standards are financial and others are non-financial and some of them are quantitative and others qualitative in nature. I have judged the performance goals with at least these three standards; 2.1 Profitability and Growth: Profitability is vital to success for Ford Motors. A profitable business pays interest to lenders, tax to authority and dividend to shareholders and bonuses to employeesRead MoreBalance Scorecard of Ford Motors1097 Words  | 5 Pagescritical success factors to evaluate the Ford Motors goals and ensure that it gets accomplished. Some of standards are financial and others are non-financial and some of them are quantitative and others qualitative in nature. I have judged the performance goals with at least these three standards; 2.1 Profitability and Growth: Profitability is vital to success for Ford Motors. A profitable business pays interest to lenders, tax to authority and dividend to shareholders and bonuses to employeesRead MoreMeasuring The Measuring Organization Development Interventions711 Words  | 3 Pagesargued that there are two types of measures assessing the effectiveness of OD interventions, one is attitudinal and perceptual measures, and the other is behaviour and performance measures (Cummings Worley, 2014). As can be seen from Figure 1, attitudinal measures can be divided into two subgroup: satisfaction attitudes and non-satisfaction attitudes (Neuman, Edwards and Raju, 1989; Porras Berg, 1978). However, the validity of measuring attitude change is questioned by Golembiewski, Billingsley andRead MoreEssay On Non Financial Performance Indicators992 Words  | 4 Pagesnon-financial performance indicators influence financial measure positively. Introduction In the past annual reports only focused on financial measures. Financial measures can be easily manipulated, are historical and short term. Because of this and due to organizational and environmental changes, it has been accepted that financial performance indicators could not function reliably on their own and therefore, non-financial performance metrics were established to reflect the performance of entitiesRead MoreNon Financial Performance Indicators1294 Words  | 6 Pagesand customer satisfaction. (Chairman, FTSE 100 Company, 2003) Discuss the validity of the continuing emphasis by companies and analysts on traditional financial ratio analysis. Does this analysis have any part to play in the modern commercial world, or should companies and analysts focus solely on non-financial performance indicators? Traditional financial ratio analysis is useful as it summarises quite complex accounting information into a relatively small number of key indicators, relatingRead MoreThe Balance Scorecard1638 Words  | 7 Pagesimplementation of the balanced scorecard and performance metrics in order to achieve the four strategic goals of the institution. Even the ranking is consistent and high the institute needs performance standards devised along the lines of end goals. A balanced scorecard has four perspectives and this report gives the complete exploration of financial, internal, customer and learning and growth perspective. Furthermore, the report gives the indicators for the metrics, which would make feedback processRead MoreClinical And Service Quality At Alameda County Medical Center1712 Words  | 7 Pagesfacilities are recording low-quality organizational performance in one or more areas. These challenges are aggravated by the fact that even though resources are meager, the number of patients being served is increasing by the day (Hertz, 2010). This essay addresses some of the issues associated with low performance at Alameda County Medical Center. This health care facility is among the many located in California that are struggling with management and performance challenges. Even though this hospital has
Sports Injury Rehabilitation Programmes Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
This chapter will critically measure surveies done on attachment to athleticss hurt rehabilitation programme. Bury and Mead ( 1998 ) specify critical assessment as a systemic manner of sing the truthfulness of a piece of research, consequences, and how relevant and applicable they are. This non merely involves the appraisal of the quality of a piece of work but besides consideration of its utility for athleticss physical therapy pattern. We will write a custom essay sample on Sports Injury Rehabilitation Programmes Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The undermentioned comprehensive hunt schemes were used to happen the amateur rugger football participant ‘s experiences and perceptual experiences of adhering to a sport hurt rehabilitation plan. This was carried utilizing EBSCO Host to entree the undermentioned databases: National library of wellness ( NLH ) ( Healthcare database ) , Allied and Complimentary Medicine Database AMED, MEDLINE, CINAHL were searched to place all published scientific analytical surveies that included adhering to a sport hurt rehabilitation programme. Following hunt schemes were used for EBSCO host and adapted as appropriate for the other databases Attachment, Rehabilitation, Qualitative, Sports therapy, Physiotherapy, Measurement of attachment, Determinants of attachment, Psychology, Sports, Athletic hurt, Patients attachment Articles of involvement were discovered in mentions of the published work and retrieved by writer independently, utilizing the undermentioned choice standards for this survey: Choice standards Included surveies to be published research. In English linguistic communication. The survey reported on the athleticss hurt rehabilitation attachment. Target population is grownups ‘ elite or recreational male or female jocks sustained a athleticss hurt and their rehabilitation lasted for period of three or more hebdomads. To review the surveies, the McMaster critical reappraisal signifier ( Law et al, 1998 ) for quantitative surveies was used. This model ( appendix ) is good structured and each of the countries identified in the model can be critically examined, and a series of inquiries have been asked to measure the worth of a peculiar research survey. The format used is designed to help in placing the strength and failings of the paper and by this, the research worker will be able to do sound judgements sing adequateness, rightness, and dependability of the decisions drawn and the pertinence of the recommendations made ( Cormack, 1996 ) . Current research carried out by Petridou et al. , ( 2003 ) suggested that in Europe states the figure of people who need medical attending after athleticss related hurt is more than 10 million. It has been suggested that more than 5 million Euros have been spent on amateur participants. Taylor A ; Taylor ( 1997 ) stated that the impact of sing athleticss hurts could be significant and include irreversible for recreational participants, slow hurt rehabilitation, inability to work, tardily return to athleticss, and danger of womb-to-tomb disablement and later a low criterion of life. In athleticss medical specialty and rehabilitation scenes, the behaviors that set up conformity are surely different, and are chiefly reliant on the current medical status or type of athleticss hurt ( Kolt et al, 2007 ) . These behaviors constitute regularity in athleticss physical therapy assignments, making all the stretches and exercisings recommended actively, set abouting all place based exercisings and rehabilitation such as exercisings, ice or heat application, and avoiding all possible insecure activities. Conformity is invariably documented as an built-in portion of athleticss hurt rehabilitation. By and large, it has been presumed that, if the athleticss hurt rehabilitation programs are successful and working good, attachment to those hurt rehabilitation programs enhances result. This given, however, is non guaranteed all the clip. Research for the association between athleticss hurt direction consequence and attachment is conflicting. Sports specific hurt rehabilitation programs normally include mobilization, massage, and other manual techniques used in athleticss therapy clinic and a place exercisings and stretching programme. Sports physical therapist should be able to measure attachment to rehabilitation, both in the clinic and place environment. More often, attachment to athleticss hurt rehabilitation plan is evaluated in association to participants ‘ regularity in attending at athleticss therapy clinic. This methodological analysis, however, simply suggests that if the participant is on a regular basis coming to the athleticss hurt clinic for hurt rehabilitation Sessionss, this does non give any facts about the participant ‘s response, reaction, and attitude refering athleticss hurt rehabilitation public presentation during hurt rehabilitation Sessionss. If a athleticss physical therapist could judge the participant ‘s response, reaction, and attitude refering athleticss hurt rehabilitation public presentation, during hurt rehabilitation Sessionss, he/she could modify the hurt rehabilitation Sessionss accordingly. Pizzari et Al ( 2002 ) clearly stated the survey ‘s purpose to look into the subjective experience of anterior cruciate ligament ( ACL ) rehabilitation and place variables that influence attachment as perceived by ACL-reconstructed patients. Pizzari et Al ( 2002 ) have used qualitative research methods to look into the conceptual apprehension of participants ‘ conformity to athleticss physical therapy intervention. In footings of qualitative research, sample was an appropriate size. Eleven patients were selected and interviewed at an norm of 4 months. The writers ‘ failed to place the procedure of enrolling participants. Data aggregation was explained and involved qualitative in-depth interviews to research subjective experience of ACL rehabilitation and happen factors impacting conformity as perceived by ACL-reconstructed patients. Interviews were recorded and transcribed. To heighten cogency Pizzari et Al ( 2002 ) supply interviewees with canned interviews to guarantee that the information has been acAÂ curately translated. The sample was diverse in relation to the participants ‘ engagement in athleticss. Six participants were take parting at competitory degree ; four participants were at recreational degree and one participant dropped out. Since, Pizzari et Al ( 2002 ) used a diverse sample in relation to participants ‘ engagement in athleticss, it is excessively hard to explicate consequences from it. In order to compare between factors that influence rehabilitation in adAÂ herers and non adherers, a graded purposive sampling technique was used to understate the possible prejudice originating from convenience sampling and improves the opportunity of roll uping rich informations relevant to the behavior being studied when compared with random sampling. Because participants were judged by their healers to be adherent to physiotherapy, the sample was stratified based on attachment to home-exercise completion. Home adherAÂ ence rates were determined utilizing self-report journals over the first 12 hebdomads of rehabilitation. The survey identified restrictions and strengths. Research workers referred to how they ensured cogency. An independent research with qualitative survey experience reviewed the codifications and agreed that the emerging classs were consistent with the natural information. Triangulation enhanced the credibleness of the findings. Pizzari et Al ( 2002 ) adopted qualitative methodological analysis and suggested that the qualiAÂ tative attack allowed a greater find and analysis of variables than would be possible with a quantitative attack. Findingss of Pizzari et Al ( 2002 ) were original, in-depth and enlightening and bespeaking that inductive analysis has shown three critical variables impacting athleticss hurt intervention conformity, including emotional, environmental, and physical issues. The writers concluded that different apprehension of fitness degree on return to rugby, self-inspiration, rehabilitation Sessionss issues or busy at work distinguish compliant and non-compliant behaviors in relation to a place exercising programme. Pizzari et Al ( 2005 ) examine the association between conformity to rehabilitation and result after rehabilitative surgery of the anterior cruciate ligament ( ACL ) . The rubric is concise and clearly indicates the content. The article included an abstract that was enlightening and accurate in fact and included three relevant key words that helped indexing and cross-referencing. Introduction is relevant and identified that rehabilitation after ACL Reconstruction has changed from the traditional conservative attack with greater limitations on activity to a more accelerated attack advancing early mobilisation and return to activity. The debut referred to current research and cited 10 documents and they offered balanced findings. The survey ‘s purpose was clear to analyze the association between conformity to athleticss therapy intervention and result after ACL Reconstruction utilizing both correlativity and arrested development techniques. The writers clearly identified the hypo thesis. Pizzari et Al ( 2005 ) in this prospective cohort survey evaluated attachment to rehabilitation over the first 8 hebdomads after ACL-reconstructive surgery and correlated the findings with results at nine and twelve months. Three steps of attachment were correlated with nine dependent variables of result. Participants included in the survey were 68 patients ( 42 work forces, 26 adult females ) with a mean of 28.8 AÂ ± 8.3 old ages. Informed consent was sought. There is a failure to advert how the confidentiality and namelessness of the participants was enforced. Denzin and Lincoln ( 1998 ) suggested that if there is to be any assurance in the credibleness of findings, research workers must guarantee the topics rights to confidentiality and namelessness. The writers should hold hence explicitly stated how participants ‘ information remained confidential and anon. . Three aspects of attachment were measured: attachment to assignments, attachment during assignments, and attachment to home-exercise prescription. The treating physical therapists, utilizing the Sport Injury Rehabilitation Adherence Scale ( SIRAS ) , rated participant ‘s attachment, during each assignment. The survey clearly stated the methodological analysis involved and defended the trial re-test dependability, interrater dependability, and concept cogency of SIRAS. Attachment to home-based exercising was assessed utilizing a self-report ( diary ) method. Self-reported attachment is besides capable to bias in a socially desirable way. The usage of self-report journals by Pizzari et Al ( 2005 ) to supervise home-exercise attachment is besides an of import restriction of this survey. Mullins ( 1996 ) maintained the usage of journals, as a mechanism for measuring attachment to place plan is weak in footings of cogency and dependability. This in reflected by the fact that the remarks made by the patients in their journals did non ever fit their questionnaire responses. There is besides a likeliness of a hapless callback. Pizzari et Al ( 2005 ) used three outcome steps. The International Knee Documentation Committee ( IKDC ) Clinical Examination Form was used to measure articulatio genus result in footings of damage. To analyze the consequences of ACL-reconstructive surgery, research workers used three questionnaires. The 6m timed hop trial was used to analyze functional result. The writers clearly stated the dependability and cogency of the 6-m timed hop trial but did non province the dependability and cogency of The International Knee Documentation Committee ( IKDC ) Clinical Examination Form and questionnaires. Consequences indicated that there was a important relationship between home-exercise attachment and many results for participants less than 30 old ages of age. For participants aged 30 and over there was a negative relationship between home-exercise attachment and result. There were no important relationships between attachment to and during physical therapy assignments and result after ACL-reconstructive surgery. One of the of import restrictions of Pizzari et Al ( 2005 ) survey was the method of informations geographic expedition. In order to place confusing variables, unstructured seeking through the information was considered as a hapless analysis technique. Pizzari et Al ( 2005 ) concluded that participants under 30 old ages of age who adhered to their home-exercise regimen had better functional result, whereas disciple participants aged 30 and over experient worse result with better place based exercising conformity. Urdy ( 1997 ) examined copying and societal support with amongst 20 five injured jocks between the age of 16 and 40 old ages, during their rehabilitation from anterior cruciate ligament surgery. Participants completed a scope of appraisals, included Coping with Health and Injury Scale to mensurate get bying schemes, profile of Mood State to measure temper perturbation, Social Support Inventory to mensurate societal support, figure of visits to rehabilitation Sessionss to mensurate attachment. Participants completed theses ratings one time pre-surgery and so at 3, 6, 9 and 12 hebdomads station surgery. Results pointed out that during the whole survey period, instrumental get bying scheme was the most used header scheme by the participants. Urdy ( 1997 ) found that during the three hebdomads clip period different type of get bying schemes have been used by the participants. As the emphasis decreased, get bying schemes besides decreased. Urdy ( 1997 ) found that instrumental header was significantly related to conformity to athleticss hurt rehabilitation at nine hebdomads post surgery. Furthermore, alleviative header, varied the most throughout three months of survey continuance even though, it was the least used scheme in general. In Urdy ‘s ( 1997 ) analyze little sample size decreased the assurance with which the findings could be generalized to other samples. Small sample size restricts the reading of consequences, which resulted in a decrease of statistical power. Urdy ( 1997 ) used attending as a exclusive index to adherence. These attending indices provided no information that relate to athlete ‘s behavior during rehabilitation session. Niven ( 2007 ) in his current survey, investigated the athleticss physical therapists ‘ perceptual experiences of rehabilitation attachment and concluded that jocks at highest degree are extremely consistent in their rehabilitation programmes. The chief purpose of Niven ‘s ( 2007 ) survey was, on the footing of athletics physical therapists ‘ expert cognition to increase apprehension of attachment issues in pattern and place factors that influence attachment and schemes that can be used to heighten attachment. Niven ( 2007 ) interviewed six adult females and three work forces with a average age of 35.1 over the period of 12 months. Niven ‘s ( 2007 ) consequences advocated that participants at the highest degree of the game, who are professional, are normally more bucked up to return to their highest degree of lucifer fittingness. Niven ( 2007 ) reported participants ‘ pessimistic features such as unequal ego belief, dejecting mental reaction to athleticss hurt, low assurance, deficiency of aid and aid from community, to be the of import facets of incompatibility and non conformity. Some practicians believed that non-compliance or over attachment are of import concerns to cover with in pattern. The conformity was considered as a important factor for successful rehabilitation from hurt. Niven ( 2007 ) identified several single properties such as motive, assurance, and ability to get by with hurting that facilitated conformity. Consequences indicated that negative emotions experienced by jocks resulted in hapless conformity. Environmental factors such as good support from squad couples, household and friends and athleticss healer were deemed to better conformity. In contrast, being busy at work and place and hapless entree to athleticss therapy resulted in hapless conformity. Niven ( 2007 ) pointed out that the degree of trust in athleticss physical therapist and recommended rehabilitation plan was found to be an of import factor on conformity. Based on findings, Niven ( 2007 ) besides identified figure of schemes to better conformity in pattern. Dua et Al ( 1989 ) examined the relationship between the three aspects of subjective meaning-personal inducements, sense of ego, and perceived behavioural options-and attachment behaviours in the athletic hurt rehabilitation puting. The rubric is short, crisp, and clearly implies a relationship between variables ( Cormack, 1996 ) . It is enlightening, specific to the survey, compendious and engage people ‘s involvement ( Gallic, 2001 ) . Dua et Al ( 1989 ) clear up the subject of research and give the possible reader an indicant of context and range of the article ( Cormack, 1996 ) . The intent of survey was stated briefly in the abstract and in more item in the debut. The subject is of import and relevant to athleticss physiotherapy clinical pattern. It is non clear whether Joan L. Duda, Alison E. Smart, and Marlene K. Tappe are athleticss physical therapists or non. Dua et Al ( 1989 ) give detailed background about the psychological factors associating to athletic Iinjury, psychological and situational forecasters of athletic hurt rehabilitation attachment or conformity. The writers summarized the old dependability surveies more specific to the attachment in the rehabilitation of athletic hurt. Dua et Al ( 1989 ) combined the sum-ups, critically analysed the several published surveies, and addressed the dependability and cogency issues. The writers reported the sum-ups of the chief findings from the literature on forecasters of attachment to athletic hurt rehabilitation and found consequences varied. The writers argued that there was no extended research on this subject and due to limited work on athletic hurt rehabilitation, It was questionable, nevertheless, to generalise the major findings from surveies on exercising attachment and medical intervention conformity to the athletic hurt rehabilitation scene. Dua et Al ( 1989 ) has written an up-to-date literature reappraisal. The writers reported balanced rating of the surveies in the past both back uping and disputing the forecasters of attachment to athletic hurt rehabilitation. Dua et Al ( 1989 ) evaluated the consequences of the old surveies and by designation of defects, highlighted spreads, and built a instance for farther research. The survey purpose was clear to place the societal psychological variables that best predict attachment behaviours in hurt rehabilitation among intercollegiate jocks. The participants in Dua et Al ( 1989 ) survey were varied well in footings of their hurt features. This could assist to guarantee a representative sample of the injured athletic population. The writers select homogeneous samples in survey, which is the strength of the survey. Forty male and female intercollegiate jocks were recruited via an introductory missive sent to athletic preparation staff members at six major universities. Dua et Al ( 1989 ) indicated that intercollegiate jocks participated in a assortment of athleticss but all had sustained a athletics related hurt ( strain or sprain ) of at least second-degree badness. At the really least it would hold strengthened the surveies if the writers stated that they had used random purposive sampling. Robson ( 2000 ) stated that the principal of choice of topics in purposive sampling is the research worker ‘s opinion as to typicality or involvement. Robson ( 2000 ) further stated that research workers in purposive sampling choose samples which satisfy their specific demands in a undertaking. Domholdt ( 2000 ) believes that purposive sampling is used when research workers have a specific ground for choosing peculiar topics for survey. Subjects can merely be involved in a research undertaking if they have given their consent. Assurance that they can retreat from research at any clip must be provided ( Drummond, 1996 ) . All these demands were addressed within survey and this is the strength. The participants were given an overview of the purposes and intent of the research and all topics signed a consent signifier. Dua et Al ( 1989 ) did non give any information about ethical blessing, and the topographic points from where they recruited the topics to vouch the confidentionali ty and namelessness of the topics. Since, Dua et Al ( 1989 ) have included jocks with a broad scope of musculoskeletal conditions ; hence a homogeneous sample will heighten internal cogency. The writers in the process, spelled out each stage of the research in concrete, operational footings, place every measure in informations aggregation and gave adequate information for another research worker to retroflex the survey. Attachment, measured by attending at rehabilitation Sessionss, completion of prescribed exercising, and exercising strength as perceived by the oversing athletic trainer, was significantly related to strong societal support, high degrees of self-motivation, and a belief in the effectivity of intervention. Consideration was given to confidentiality, the right statistical trials were used, and assurance interval was calculated. In consequences statistical techniques used to analyze informations were clearly identified. The consequences are presented in narrative signifier, clear and concise tabular arraies to ease readability and apprehension. There is a sufficient item for the reader to look into the treatment is coincident with the consequences. Dua et Al ( 1989 ) found that among all the three constituents, personal athletics inducements were less of import forecasters of attachment behaviours than the sense-of-self and perceived options variables. Dua et Al ( 1989 ) besides found that jocks who focused on undertaking command were more adherent to intervention, while jocks who tended to be more ego-involved in their athletics were less adherent to their plans. Phillips ( 1986 ) defines the decision as the statement that indicates the research worker ‘s concluding place in relation to the concluding inquiry posed. In survey decisions is stated clearly, compactly, and substantiated by the groundss presented ( Cormack, 1996 ) . Dua et Al ( 1989 ) concluded that over all conformity was well related to athletic perceptual experience sing the efficaciousness of rehabilitation and support from household and friends for hurt rehabilitation. The writers farther pointed out those participants who placed less emphasis on undertaking inducements were less expected to compliant to their hurt rehabilitation. Examination to menaces to internal cogency reveals no indicant of trouble associated with history or ripening with these topics over a brief clip span. In survey non chance purposive sample was recruited. An inclusion and exclusion standard was non mentioned. The writers did non advert the participants ‘ age. In survey usage of non chance purposive trying limits its generalisation to the sample itself and necessitates caution in generalising beyond the sample. Trainers who conducted rehabilitation Sessionss were required to rate each topic ‘s strength on a five-point graduated table. The writers did non describe any dependability or cogency findings for either of these attachment steps. Brewer et Al ( 2003 ) examined the relationship between four physiological factors including self-motivation, societal support, athletic individuality, and temper perturbation, and intervention conformity as a map of age. The rubric is concise, enlightening and clearly indicates the content. The subject is of import and relevant to physiotherapy clinical pattern. The article included an abstract that was enlightening and accurate. The debut was relevant placing many personal and situational factors, which linked to the attachment to rehabilitation. The debut referred to the currents research and cited five documents. The writers clearly stated the survey purpose to research whether possible nexus among psychological factors and intervention conformity differ as a map of age. A literature reappraisal pointed to a clear spread with in bing research and helped to compose a outline of statement to back up the principle for the survey. The research attack was documented consisting of a questionnaire fcompleted by participants about 10 yearss before anterior cruciate ligament ( ACL ) surgery. Besides after ACL surgery at each assignment participants documented their conformity to a place exercising programme, and the healer recorded the attending of participants and completed the SIRAS. Brewer et Al ( 2003 ) clearly stated the methodological analysis, combined the sum-ups, critically analysed the several published surveies, and addressed the dependability and cogency of the questionnaires used such as Self-Motivation Inventory, Social Support Inventory, Athletic Identity Measurement Scale, Brief Symptom Inventory, and Sport Injury Rehabilitation Adherence Scale. The survey contained some of the information sing the features of the sample but at that place did non look to be indicant of the sampling scheme. At the really least it would hold strengthened the surveies if the writers stated that they had used random purposive sampling. Sixty-one participants were recruited including 21 females and 40 male. The research workers indicated that 57 % of the participants were competitory jocks and 41 % were recreational jocks. This survey has included a cross-section of the participants ( male and female ) with subgroups incorporating jocks of changing degree of athletic engagement. Although curtailing the sample of participants to persons undergoing rehabilitation after ACL Reconstruction provided a more controlled geographic expedition of the moderating effects of age by cut downing cross-participant variableness in hurt badness and the demands of the rehabilitation regimen, such homogeneousness decreased the generalisability of the consequences. Subjects can merely be involved in a research undertaking if they have given their consent and topics were required to subscribe a consent signifier. The research workers did non advert that confidence was given that they could retreat from the research at any clip. The institutional reappraisal board approved the Study. Brewer et Al ( 2003 ) failed to advert that how the confidentiality and namelessness of the participants was enforced. In the consequences subdivision statistical techniques used to analyze informations were clearly identified. The consequences are presented in narrative signifier, clear and concise tabular arraies shown to ease readability and apprehension. Although age did non function as a moderator in relationship between the four psychological factors and attachment to clinic-based rehabilitation, it did function as a moderator in the relationship between the three of the four psychological factors assessed and place based rehabilitation attachment. Self-motivation and societal support were positively associated with attachment to place based exercisings in the older participants, but non in the younger 1s. Athletic individuality was positively associated with attachment to the place exercising protocol in the younger participants, but non in older participants. Although, the prospective longitudinal research design in which psychological factors and attachment was measured, used in this probe was found to be appropriate but Brewer et Al ( 2003 ) suggested that causal relationships between psychological factors and rehabilitation attachment can non be inferred. Brewer et Al ( 2003 ) acknowledged the self-report method used to measure attachment to place rehabilitation activities, as a restriction and suggested that more nonsubjective steps of place rehabilitation attachment is needed to confirm this survey findings. Fisher et Al ( 1998 ) explored the personal and situational factors related to athleticss hurt rehabilitation among 41 college jocks, including 21 male and 20 female. Participants had been injured in athleticss and had begun a athleticss hurt rehabilitation programme for at least six hebdomads. Title is clear, enlightening, specific to the survey, compendious and engages people ‘s involvement ( Gallic, 2001 ) . Fisher et Al ( 1998 ) clear up the subject of research and give the possible reader an indicant of context and range of the article ( Cormack, 1996 ) . The subject is of import and relevant to athleticss therapy clinical pattern. The article included an abstract that was enlightening and accurate in fact. Introduction was relevant placing the factors which affected conformity to the rehabilitation plan. The survey clearly stated the methodological analysis involved but the research workers did non supply any information sing the features of the sample and trying scheme. There were serious defects within the methodological analysis of this survey that question the dependability and cogency of the findings. Fisher et Al. ( 1988 ) provided no information sing participants ‘ informed consent and ethical blessing. In add-on, there is failure to advert how the confidentiality and namelessness of participants ‘ information was enforced. The sample appears to be equal although absence of power computation, which determines how big the sample needs to be, has been noted. Each jock was classified as compliant or non-compliant by the healer, based on his or her attending at rehabilitation Sessionss, and a comparing made between expected and existent advancement. Fisher et Al ( 1988 ) developed a more extended questionnaire that has been used in a figure of surveies to enable self-assessment of attachment during the rehabilitation period. The Rehabilitation Adherence Questionnaire ( RAQ ) consists of 40 inquiries refering to six spheres expected to act upon attachment. Each inquiry requires the participant to circle a response on a four-point graduated table. The rubric of the Fisher et Al ( 1998 ) questionnaire, the Rehabilitation Adherence Questionnaire ( RAQ ) , might be misdirecting with respect to the information sought. It appeared that, instead than mensurating the rate of attachment to rehabilitation, the questionnaire really requires a self-assessment of factors that might act upon their rehabilitation attachment. This was demonstrated by the illustration inquiry for the hurting sphere ; while a patient may strongly hold that their rehabilitation programme was physically painful, their perceptual experience of the hurting they experienced was non a step of their attachment degree during rehabilitation. The right statistical trials were used, and assurance intervals were calculated. Findingss were clearly presented. There were sufficient inside informations for the readers to look into that the treatment is coincident with the consequences. Multivariate Analysis of discrepancy ( MANOVA ) revealed that the consistent and compliant jocks had high degrees of hurting tolerance, energetic, vivacious and lively and received communal support, as compared to inconsistent and no-compliant. Furthermore, disciple jocks ascertained themselves to exert more during hurt rehabilitation Sessionss and concern less about a program of intervention Sessionss and environmental fortunes. Fisher et Al ( 1988 ) pointed out that the questionnaire satisfied the demands for face cogency as the points were derived from analysis of the content of attachment literature. However, Fisher et Al ( 1988 ) acknowledged that the RAQ had non been subjected to more strict criterions of dependability or cogency testing. Furthermore, a low magnitude of correlativity was observed between the RAQ and three alternate steps of attachment ( attending, the healer completed tonss on the Sport Injury Rehabilitation Adherence Scale, and patient self-reporting of place rehabilitation attachment ) . Fisher et Al ( 1988 ) did non advert any restriction, strengths, and deductions of this survey. The research workers besides did non mention to how they ensured cogency in this survey. Fisher et Al ( 1988 ) evaluated personality properties of non-compliant jocks after the rehabilitation programme had begun. This might bring forth confusing consequences as many variables may be influenced by the rehabilitation procedure. In the research worker ‘s, position, if personal and situational factors could hold been measured prior to the athleticss hurt intervention, and studied in relation to conformity during rehabilitation, it would be more appropriate. Research workers used a homogeneous sample including male, female jocks with shoulder, articulatio genus and mortise joint hurts, which adds strength of this survey. As Fisher et Al ( 1988 ) acknowledged that the RAQ had non been subjected to more strict criterions of dependability or cogency testing, in order to diminish measurement mistake, research workers should hold established the dependability and cogency of the questionnaire before or used antecedently documented psychometrically dependable and valid questionnaire. Two consecutive surveies carried out by Byerl et Al ( 1994 ) and Field et Al ( 1995 ) used the Rehabilitation attachment questionnaire and tried to retroflex the research work of Fisher et Al ( 1988 ) . In surveies Byerl et Al ( 1994 ) ( A ) and Field et Al ( 1995 ) ( B ) the rubrics clearly imply a relationship between variables ( Cormack, 1996 ) . They are enlightening, specific to the survey, compendious and engage people ‘s involvement ( Gallic, 2001 ) . Byerl et Al ( 1994 ) and Field et Al ( 1995 ) clear up the subject of research and give the possible reader an indicant of context and range of the article ( Cormack, 1996 ) . Age, sex, socioeconomic position, rational and educational degree, medical cognition, credence or denial of unwellness, clip from oncoming of unwellness, memory of patients, self motive and exercising end puting have been reported to ease attachment. The rubrics are enlightening. The articles include an abstract that was enlightening and accurate in fact. The intent of Byerl et Al ( 1994 ) ( A ) and Field et Al ( 1995 ) ( B ) surveies was stated briefly in the abstract and in more item in the debut. Byerl et Al ( 1994 ) gave detailed background about the rehabilitation issues after athleticss hurt and Field et Al ( 1995 ) combined the sum-ups, critically analysed the several published surveies, and addressed the dependability and cogency of the steps to measure attachment to rehabilitation. Byerl et Al ( 1994 ) and Field et Al ( 1995 ) evaluated the consequences of the old surveies and by designation of defects, highlighted spreads, and built a instance for farther research on the subject of variables impacting the conformity in athleticss hurt rehabilitation. Byerl et Al ‘s ( 1994 ) survey purpose was to find the relationship between the rehabilitation attachment of jocks and their self-reported appraisal of six variables that might act upon rehabilitation attachment: hurting, support from others, effort, programming, motive, and environment. Field et al ( 1995 ) survey purpose was to place factors that contribute to adherent or non-adherent behavior during athleticss hur t rehabilitation plans. The survey contained really small information sing the features of the sample but at that place did non look to be indicant of the sampling scheme. In survey A and B the size of the sample appears to be equal although absence of power computation, which determines how big the sample demand to be, has been noted. Byerl et Al ( 1994 ) provided no information sing participants ‘ informed consent and ethical blessing. Field et al ( 1995 ) pointed out that all participants filled up informed consent signifiers but did non advert about ethical blessing. In add-on, both Byerl et Al ( 1994 ) and Field et Al ( 1995 ) failed to advert how the confidentiality and namelessness of participants ‘ information was enforced. Byerl et Al ( 1994 ) used right statistical trial and assurance intervals were calculated. Research workers performed independent t trial and chance degree was set at.05 for each trial. Findingss were clearly presented in tabular arraies. Wood and Haber ( 2001 ) stated that relational design examines and quantifies the strengths of the co-relationship between the two or more variables. Byerl et Al ( 1994 ) used co- relational design. Byerl et Al ( 1994 ) did non pull strings any variables so there are no dependent and independent variables ( Hicks, 2004 ) . Hicks ( 2004 ) argued that in co relational design we can non place which variables are cause and which consequence. Therefore, many research workers prefer the certainty of experimental design, but the experimenter could non pull strings any variables, so co relational design is more acceptable ethically. Both, Beryl et Al ( 1994 ) and Field et Al ( 1995 ) used the Rehabilitation Adherence Questionnaire ( RAQ ) , which was developed by Fisher et Al ( 1998 ) . Field et al ( 1995 ) besides used a new instrument, the Athletic Trainer ‘s Perception of Athlete ‘s attempt graduated table ( ATPAES ) for athletic trainers ‘ to sort the injured jock as a compliant and non-compliant. Field et al ( 1995 ) argued that the ATPAES system fulfilled the standard for logical cogency, as the ATPAES system had been favorably assessed by the athleticss healer. No mention was made to more extended cogency rating ( such as comparing ATPAES tonss with other attachment steps ) or test-retest dependability appraisal of the questionnaire. Attendance was besides evaluated in the survey by Fields et Al. ( 1995 ) and participants were believed to hold been compliant into their intervention if they attended at least 75 % of intervention Sessionss and scored 12 or greater on the ATPAES questionnaire. However, this emerged to be a random cut-off for separating compliant from non-compliant jocks, with no justification of how it was obtained. The deficiency of strict dependability and cogency testing of the ATPAES questionnaire in the Field et al ( 1995 ) survey, limits its value as an attachment step for experimental surveies. Since, It has been mentioned antecedently that the RAQ in Beryl et Al ( 1994 ) and Fisher et Al ( 1988 ) surveies and ATPAES in Field et al ( 1995 ) survey had non been subjected to more strict criterions of dependability or cogency testing, hence in order to diminish measurement mistake, research workers should hold used antecedently documented psychometrically dependable and valid questionnaire. Byerl et Al ( 1994 ) developed a brief step of conformity based on attending and engagement. This mark was used to measure conformity of 40 four jocks who had suffered athleticss hurts and were taking portion in a athleticss hurt rehabilitation plan. The compendious nature of this mark seems to do it allow for assessors who have restricted clip to give to measuring attachment. Patients were assessed on a two-point marking system by the athleticss healer who observed their athleticss hurt rehabilitation programme. One point was allocated for go toing the rehabilitation session. Zero point was awarded for non-compliance. A 2nd point was awarded for finishing 100 % of the prescribed exercisings. If a patient failed to finish all exercisings, three quarters of a point ( 0.75 ) was awarded for finishing 75 % of the exercisings, 0.5 for finishing 50 % of the prescribed exercises, or 0.25 for finishing 25 % of the exercisings. The writers made no mention to reliability proving or proof of t heir questionnaire. Furthermore, the writers recommended that patients who scored between 1.75 and 2.0 were adherent, while those who scored less than 1.75 were non-adherent. These standards appeared to be randomly assigned, with no account or justification of how they were chosen. In Field et al ( 1995 ) survey consequences of the t trial indicated that important differences were seen for self-motivation, scheduling concerns, and hurting tolerance. The discriminant map analysis ( DFA ) pointed out that scheduling concerns contributed most to the overall group differences. Findingss are clearly presented in tabular arraies. Although, Beryl et Al ( 1994 ) and Field et Al ( 1995 ) both have used varied participants in footings of their athletic environment and hurt features, due to little size sample cautiousness must be taken in generalizing these consequences to other populations. Field et al ( 1995 ) in his survey indicated that this survey is merely for one specific environment hence attention should be taken to generalize these findings to other environments. Rationale The research worker has chosen rugger participants as participants because rugger is a contact athletics. The doctrine of rugger dictates that the game is physical in nature, which means that the hazard of hurt during lucifers is high ( Brook et al, 2005 ) . The bulk of hurts of rugby consequence from contact stages of drama ( Best, McIntosh, and Savage, 2005 ) . The literature in the field of athleticss therapy and rehabilitation does non sufficiently address amateur rugger football participants ‘ experiences and perceptual experiences of conformity to a athleticss therapy intervention program. Therefore, one can merely theorize the significance and impact of conformity to the athletics hurt rehabilitation among recreational rugger football participant. Since we know small about what is meaningful to thes participants, a rich description from recreational participants, who have had an of import hurt helped to explicate the relevant facets of their experience. The consequences from the present survey would supply cognition that add to the literature by make fulling a spread that exist on a peculiar population, recreational rugger football participants, that has non been represented in the athleticss hurt research to day of the month. Additionally, cognition and information from the present survey should break informed athleticss healer, physical therapists, managers and important others around participants, that may be involved in conformity to athleticss hurt rehabilitation plan so that amateur rugby football participants receive the best of attention. In add-on since the chief purpose of this research addresses the barriers to athleticss hurt rehabilitation, the consequences will be of peculiar involvement to athleticss healers, athleticss physical therapists, who work with recreational rugger participants. How to cite Sports Injury Rehabilitation Programmes Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Thursday, April 23, 2020
It is debatable as to whether ... free essay sample
It is debatable as to whether the fate of characters in Mary Shellys Novel Frankenstein is down to choice rather than destiny. The concept of Destiny vs Freewill an important theme throughout the book. Many characters throughout the storyline experience a tragic ending – especially Victor and his family members. Shelly uses Victor and Justine in comparison with the monster to highlight fate vs freewill. Victor Frankenstein attains a strong belief that his actions are dictated by his genes causing him to make poor decisions which consequently leads to his and the tragic end of others. From the beginning of the novel Frankenstein is set on creating new life; although not by choice but because it is his supposed destiny to do so. When Frankenstein thanks Walton for his sympathy he goes on to say how [his] fate is nearly fulfilled. [He] waits but for one event, and then [he] shall repose in peace meaning he is once again blaming fate rather than taking responsibility for his actions of manipulating the laws of nature and artificially creating life. We will write a custom essay sample on It is debatable as to whether or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Frankenstein is unable to comprehend the impact his neglectfully thought out choices bear. He creates life only to maltreat it which in turn leads to the death of many loved ones.Justine and Victor are likeminded characters – both believe that life is dictated by fate and everything has already been planned out for the course of life. When accused of the murder of William, Justine simply says [she] does not fear [death] – [she] is resigned to the fate [awaiting] her. She believes it is best to submit in patience to the will of heaven. Justine does not fight for her life when wrongly accused but believes there is nothing in her power to stop her prosecution from occurring. She will die due to Heaven willing her to do so. Her choice to not fight leads her to meet death because she blindly follows what she believes to be her destiny without question.In comparison with Frankenstein and Justine, the monsters views of fate differ. From his birth the monster refuses to be the submission of abject slavery. The human characters within the novel are held as hostages to fate – they blindly follow which path fate directs their lives. The monster on the other believes that slavery is not his portion as he has the power of freewill. As the monster is neglected by his creator he makes a decision to seek revenge against him – he does not blame his misfortunes, the will of Heaven or allow fate to dictate how he reacts to the events that occur in his lifetime but instead fights against it. Although not in a humane way he chooses to try and better his life and fight against his supposed destiny which is something other characters fail to do.Destiny versus Freewill plays an essential role in the life of every character within the novel. Characters such as Victor and Justine believe that fate direct their lives and they are not to blame for their actions whereas the monster blames his misfortunes on himself and took matters into his own hand – in attempts to better his life. E very character has free will and whether they choose to acknowledge that determines how their future will turn out.
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