Monday, November 25, 2019

stabilizing american gov. essays

stabilizing american gov. essays In 1788 the Americans established a system of government under the Constitution. This government was new and unusual. It contained an executive branch, a judicial branch, and a legislative branch. The government started weak and bankrupt. The states and the nation were in dept from the war. The world was very skeptical about the strength of government would have. What started out to be an insecure and unstable government soon turned into a firm and established government due to the efforts of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. George Washington was unanimously chosen to be president in the first presidential election. George Washington was the revolutionary war hero whom everyone adored. Standing at 6 2 and weighing 170 pounds, Washington was a prominent figure who people listened to. Washington knew the instability of the government and the rough road it faced for the next few decades. With the French Revolution at hand, Washington declared a Proclamation of Neutrality. This proclaimed the US would not be militarily involved during the French Revolution, going against an earlier treaty America made with France. Washington also suggested merchants to cease trading. The government allowed the ships to trade with the European countries, but did not off them any aid if they were attacked. The Proclamation of Neutrality ordained Americas foreign policy of semi-isolation. Americas foreign policy allowed the country to focus on repaying its debts and building a national bank. By not being involved in a foreign conflict, America was able to strengthen its government. While under Washingtons presidency the Jay Treaty was signed. This took a major step to peace between America and Europe. Washington showed his persistence in strengthening the government by signing a treaty that gave them nothing but a guarantee that England wouldnt attack. When Citizen Genet came to America to...

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